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It’s a busy week for the Glassware directory. One app went away early this week, two others were recently added and another new app launched Wednesday. It’s called Nativo, and it combines the Glass GPS with the Google Places API to provide information about businesses and points of interest in the immediate vicinity. The app [...]

The post Nativo App Brings Google Business Listings & Local Information To Glass appeared first on Glass Almanac.



It’s a busy week for the Glassware directory. One app went away early this week, two others were recently added and another new app launched Wednesday.

It’s called Nativo, and it combines the Glass GPS with the Google Places API to provide information about businesses and points of interest in the immediate vicinity. The app uses the command “Explore nearby” and provides directionally sensitive local information — i.e., the display adjusts as the wearer moves and looks in different directions. Here’s how Droiders, the developer, explains it:

Nativo is a low intrusion layer of information for the wearer of Glass, that positions icons, place names, user ratings and the distance to the wearer, of business outlets in their immediate vicinity.

Using the Google Places API and utilising the built-in GPS, Nativo takes advantage of the infamous directional sensitivity of Glass to display accompanying useful information to the user and is especially suitable for pedestrian use in unfamiliar urban areas.

According to Nativo’s directory page, you can see photo galleries and get directions, and there’s also filtering based on the type of place — stories, restaurants, ATMs, and so forth.

The post Nativo App Brings Google Business Listings & Local Information To Glass appeared first on Glass Almanac.


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