
WearAble TeCHnology in Healthcare Society

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  • 2014 The International Society for Wearable Technology in Healthcare -WATCH Society - was initiated by a group of early adopters of wearable technology, all working as professionals in the field of healthcare. 
  • 2014 The First Conference  of the WATCH Society took place in Indianapolis, Indiana, United States. With over 50 participants from within the medical field on-site and many more online, the interest for wearable technology in healthcare certainly proves to be on the rise.
  • 2015 On the 28th of April, the WATCH Society was legally founded and established. The first official Board was installed.

    On the 29th and 30th of April The Second Conference of the WATCH Society 'Wearables@Work' took place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The community has grown to over 100 participants, who became Members of the Society.
What we do

Come join the WATCH Society and shape the valid use of Wearables in Healthcare!

  • Interested? You are very welcome to join the WATCH Society. Membership is extended to anyone involved in healthcare in any capacity that wishes to collaborate in an effort to change the daily functioning world of healthcare -and in doing so- to re-establish the doctor-patient relationship through wearable technology. Membership is free, and allow you to participate in one of the Special Interest Groups.You may join here, or subscribe to our Newsletters.
The Board
  • Marlies Schijven
    WATCH President
    Marlies Schijven MD PhD MHSc

    Professor of Surgery (Upper GI laparoscopy). Chair of Simulation, Serious Gaming and Applied Mobile Healthcare.
    Academic Medical Center Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    "Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is a process. Working together is a success (H. Ford)"
  • Homero Rivas
    WATCH Vice-President and Secretary
    Homero Rivas MD MBA FACS

    Director of Innovative Surgery at Stanford University School of Medicine USA

    "You can only see it, when you get it"
  • Teodor Grantcharov
    WATCH Treasurer
    Teodor Grantcharov MD PhD FACS
    Assistant Professor of Surgery (Upper GI Laparoscopy)
    St. Michaels Hospital Toronto, Canada

    "Hands down the best"
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