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Today’s the final official day of the Glass Explorer program. As you know, Google announced last Thursday that the current version of Glass won’t be sold after today, and that the Explorer program is shutting down. The surprise announcement, coupled with only four days notice, has led to a number of questions that we’ve seen [...] 


Today’s the final official day of the Glass Explorer program. As you know, Google announced last Thursday that the current version of Glass won’t be sold after today, and that the Explorer program is shutting down.

The surprise announcement, coupled with only four days notice, has led to a number of questions that we’ve seen in various Google+ Glass communities and other discussion spots online. We compiled some of the more common questions and shared them with the Google Glass communications team. Below are the questions and Google’s replies, along with a couple extra notes where needed.

Google Glass Shutdown FAQ

Will Glass continue to function in its current form?


Will there be any more XE software updates for this version of Glass?


Will the MyGlass Android/iOS apps and web portal remain open?


What about the forums. Will they remain open?


Will the Glassware directory remain open?


Will Google continue to accept new Glassware for review?


Note: Google has told developers to keep making and submitting apps for inclusion in the official directory.

Will Glassware currently in the queue continue to be reviewed and approved when ready?


Note: Google separately declined to answer a question about how many apps are in the queue to be reviewed.

How long will customer service continue for Explorers?

There’s no end date set.

Will existing warranties be honored?


Note: The Glass warranty is good for one year from the date of receipt, or 90 days after a replacement. In an Explorers’ forum thread, Glass Guide Becca Samson also added, “After that, give us a call and we’ll see what we can do.”

If an Explorer has a Glass under warranty and needs a replacement, will units still be available for that?


Note: Google declined to answer additional questions about what it plans to do with the existing inventory of Glass and its official accessories.

What’s the timetable for the next version of Glass? I think the WSJ said it would be this year — is that accurate?

We can’t confirm that, but we are actively building the future of glass so stay tuned!

Final Note

There are a few more questions and answers in that Explorers’ forum thread we linked to above, but nothing that I think hasn’t been said before.

If you have questions about what’s going on now with Glass, feel free to leave us a note in the comments and we’ll see if we can get Google to give us some answers.

(Photo credit: tedeytan via photopin cc.)

Read full article on GlassAlmanac
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